Thursday, June 25, 2009

In case you were wondering...

... I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. My absence from the blogosphere is due, in part, to other obligations. I've been tackling some long overdue projects at home and, quite frankly, many evenings I'm just too tired to blog. That must mean I'm getting old!

Still plenty of Lincoln news out there
There's still plenty of Lincoln news on the horizon - good books coming off the presses, events happening across the company and a general, all-around enthusiasm for Lincoln. I sure do wish I could write about each and every thing I hear of. Maybe someday I'll be able to find the time to do that.

In the meantime, I'll share what I can when I can. I am reading one very engaging Lincoln book now and have a whole stack of them to get to later. I listened to a book on tape a few weeks ago and still need to review it. And, I've got three more in the car to listen to over then next few weeks. You'll get to hear about all of them - eventually

Follow me on Twitter
Until then, please follow me on Twitter at

I'm tweeting and retweeting about:

  • Lincoln books,
  • Lincoln documentaries,
  • Lincoln events,
  • Lincoln sites,
  • Lincoln-related articles and
  • comments people make about Lincoln.

And sometimes, I'll retweet something simply because it makes me smile and I hope it can do the same for you, like the one about the little kid who thought the Gettysburg Address was where Lincoln lived.

Though I'd love to be writing about everything Lincoln that crosses my path, most days, I just can't. Twitter is a way that I can still keep you in the loop somewhat on Lincoln happenings. If you're not following yet, please do. I was at 300 followers yesterday, but seem to be down one today. Please join the other 299 who follow Lincoln Buff 2 to learn more about Abraham Lincoln.

Thanks for reading and come back soon. You never know when I'll get a few minutes to write or will run across a really cool story I just have to share. If the stars align as I think they will, there's a fantastic one coming very soon, so y'all come back now, ya hear?

© Copyright 2009 Ann Tracy Mueller. All rights reserved.

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