Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fun Lincoln information coming soon

This is a busy week for the Lincoln Buff - student presentations in the Heartland College Lincoln class, a professional organization meeting with a speaker from the U.S. and Illinois Bicentennial Commissions, a David Davis Mansion Foundation event and preparation for the final exam. Please forgive me if my posts the next few days are short and not quite as frequent.

I promise I've got lots of interesting things coming. Watch for:
  • an overview of the class presentation topics - a wide variety and quite interesting,
  • what the bicentennial commissions are planning and
  • kudos to some folks in the Lincoln world.

My list of topics grows by the days. There are all sorts of Lincoln-related things to share over the coming weeks. Please return to my blog often and stay awhile to read earlier posts.

Thank you for visiting and for sharing news of my blog with your friends. Have a great week. Ann


Beth Kater said...

Thank you for this blog! I am a Lincoln admirer also.
I look forward to exploring your blog for more information about President Lincoln.

My best to you, Elizabeth Davis Kater

Ann Tracy Mueller said...

Thank you, Elizabeth. I'm glad you enjoy it. I enjoy doing it.